Richer than the usual after-school enrichmentprogram, our time together holds movement,health, and creative self-expression as pillarsof personal success while elevating the songs,stories, jokes, and jams of the next generation.
Season One begins Wednesday, August 21st and continues until Wednesday, October 16th
Produced by Mr. Fun-Gaia and Ms. Dragonfly at Duomo Gardens / 4796 W. Mountain View Dr, San Diego 92116
$10-25 sliding scale tuition per kid aged 3 to 18 (drop-off) / $15-45 sliding scale tuition per family (parent on-site).
Sign-ups & warm-ups begin at 3:30 pm, Show starts at 4:00 pm. Sorry, no dogs!
CHARTER FUNDS ACCEPTED at the rate of $20 per student, per session. Families using charter funds must enroll for the entire season (nine sessions).
No kid turned away for lack of financial resources.
Due to limited space, we recommend advanced registration. We also take cash and Venmo at the door.